What to Wear in an Infrared Sauna: The Do’s and Don’ts

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on what to wear in an infrared sauna. Dressing appropriately is essential to fully enjoy the benefits of this rejuvenating experience. In this article, we will explore the dos and don’ts of infrared sauna attire, providing you with valuable insights and tips to make the most out of your sauna sessions.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose clothing made from sauna-friendly fabrics for optimal comfort and heat absorption.
  • Avoid wearing unsuitable materials that can negatively affect your sauna experience.
  • Consider adapting your sauna attire for specific health conditions like sensitive skin or circulation issues.
  • Footwear in the sauna is a matter of personal preference, with options ranging from barefoot to sauna-specific slippers.
  • Find the right balance between loose and fitted clothing for ultimate comfort in the infrared sauna.

Understanding Infrared Saunas and Clothing Needs

When it comes to enjoying the benefits of saunas, there are various options to choose from. Traditional saunas have long been popular, but in recent years, infrared saunas have gained significant attention. In this section, we will explore the differences between infrared saunas and traditional saunas and the unique clothing needs associated with infrared saunas.

How Infrared Saunas Differ from Traditional Saunas

Infrared saunas and traditional saunas differ in how they generate and transfer heat to the body. Infrared saunas use infrared heaters to emit radiant heat that directly warms the body, whereas traditional saunas heat the air, which then indirectly warms the body. This distinction results in differences in temperature, humidity, and the way individuals experience heat in each type of sauna.

The Importance of Choosing the Right Apparel

Choosing the right apparel for your sauna session is crucial, especially when it comes to infrared saunas. The appropriate clothing can enhance your comfort, maximize the benefits of the sauna, and keep you safe from potential risks. Wearing improper attire may hinder the effectiveness of the infrared heat or even pose safety hazards. Therefore, it is important to understand which materials work best with infrared heat and make informed choices when it comes to dressing for an infrared sauna session.

Materials and Their Interaction with Infrared Heat

The materials you wear in an infrared sauna can significantly impact your sauna experience. Some materials are more conducive to infrared heat, allowing it to penetrate the body effectively, while others may block or reflect the heat. Choosing the right clothing materials for an infrared sauna session can make a noticeable difference in the heat transfer and overall benefits you derive.

Traditional Sauna Infrared Sauna
Heats the air Emits radiant heat
High temperatures (typically 150-195°F) Lower temperatures (typically 120-150°F)
Higher humidity levels Lower humidity levels

Materials to Embrace for Your Infrared Sauna Experience

When it comes to dressing for an infrared sauna session, choosing the right materials can make a significant difference in your overall comfort and enjoyment. Sauna-friendly fabrics are designed to enhance the benefits of infrared heat while ensuring breathability and moisture-wicking properties. Here are some recommended apparel options for your infrared sauna experience:

  1. Organic Cotton: Organic cotton is a natural and breathable fabric that is perfect for the sauna. It allows your skin to breathe while absorbing any moisture, keeping you cool and comfortable throughout your session.
  2. Bamboo: Bamboo fabric is known for its softness and moisture-wicking capabilities. It is also naturally antimicrobial, making it an excellent choice for maintaining cleanliness and freshness during your sauna session.
  3. Linen: Linen is a lightweight, breathable fabric that allows air to circulate freely, keeping you cool and dry. Its natural fibers also make it highly absorbent, making linen a great option for the sauna.
  4. Modal: Modal is a soft and lightweight fabric that offers excellent moisture management. It absorbs moisture quickly and dries rapidly, making it an ideal choice for those who want to stay comfortable and dry in the sauna.
  5. Microfiber: Microfiber fabrics are designed to be ultra-soft and moisture-wicking, making them an excellent choice for the sauna. They are lightweight, durable, and quick-drying, ensuring maximum comfort throughout your infrared sauna experience.

These are just a few examples of sauna-friendly fabrics that can enhance your infrared sauna experience. Remember to choose materials that are lightweight, breathable, and moisture-wicking to ensure maximum comfort and enjoyment during your session. Now that you know which fabrics to embrace, it’s time to dress for success in your next infrared sauna session!

What to Avoid Wearing in an Infrared Sauna

Unsuitable Fabrics for Infrared Heat

When it comes to clothing for an infrared sauna, not all fabrics are created equal. Certain materials can pose risks and discomfort due to their inability to regulate body temperature. To ensure a safe and enjoyable sauna experience, it’s important to avoid the following fabrics:

  • Polyester: This synthetic fabric can trap heat and prevent the body from cooling down properly, leading to overheating.
  • Nylon: Similarly, nylon can hinder the body’s natural cooling process and cause discomfort in the sauna.
  • Rubber or plastic-based materials: These fabrics can trap moisture and prevent air circulation, increasing the risk of dehydration and overheating.
  • Thick wool or fleece: While these fabrics provide excellent insulation, they can cause excessive sweating and discomfort in the sauna.

Opting for clothing made from breathable, moisture-wicking, and lightweight fabrics is key to staying comfortable and safe in the infrared sauna environment.

Accessories and Jewelry: The Hidden Hazards

While it may be tempting to accessorize in the sauna, it’s important to err on the side of caution. Accessories and jewelry can intensify the heat experienced in the sauna and pose additional risks, such as burns or discomfort. Make sure to remove the following items before entering the infrared sauna:

  • Necklaces, bracelets, and rings: Metal accessories can heat up quickly and become uncomfortable or even cause burns.
  • Earrings: These can also heat up and potentially cause discomfort or burns.
  • Watches: The metal components of watches can become hot and uncomfortable during your sauna session.

By removing accessories and jewelry, you can prevent potential hazards and ensure a safe sauna experience.

The Risk of Overdressing: Overheating and Dehydration

It’s crucial to strike a balance between being adequately dressed for the infrared sauna and avoiding the risk of overheating and dehydration. Overdressing can trap heat and hinder the body’s ability to cool down, resulting in discomfort and potential health risks. To prevent overheating and dehydration, follow these sauna safety tips:

  • Avoid wearing multiple layers of clothing.
  • Choose lightweight and breathable fabrics.
  • Dress in loose-fitting attire to allow for air circulation.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your sauna session.

By paying attention to your clothing choices and staying mindful of your body’s needs, you can enjoy a safe and comfortable infrared sauna experience.

overheating risks in infrared sauna

The Science Behind Choosing the Right Colors

Infrared saunas not only offer relaxation and wellness benefits but also provide an opportunity to enhance your sauna experience through color selection. The impact of colors on mood and emotions has long been recognized, and color therapy is a popular practice in saunas. By understanding the science behind choosing the right colors for your sauna attire, you can optimize your sauna session and create a soothing ambiance.

“Colors, like features, follow the changes of emotions.”

– Pablo Picasso

Color impacts us on a subconscious level, influencing our mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. In the context of infrared saunas, different colors can evoke specific emotions and stimulate desired effects. Here are some key aspects to consider when choosing colors for your sauna attire:

  1. Psychological Influence: Colors have psychological associations that can affect our mood and emotions. For example, warm colors like red and orange are often associated with energy, vitality, and increased circulation. These colors can be invigorating and energizing in the sauna. On the other hand, cool colors like blue and green are calming, promoting relaxation and stress relief. These colors can create a serene and peaceful environment.
  2. Color Therapy: Color therapy, also known as chromotherapy, is the practice of using colors to balance energy and promote healing. Infrared saunas provide an ideal setting for incorporating color therapy into your sauna session. Each color has its unique healing properties, and by wearing clothes in specific colors, you can enhance the therapeutic benefits of the sauna. For example, blue is believed to promote tranquility and reduce inflammation, while yellow is associated with mental clarity and digestion.
  3. Individual Preferences: It’s essential to consider your personal preferences when choosing colors for your sauna attire. While there are general guidelines on the psychological effects of each color, individual reactions may vary. Some people may find certain colors more relaxing or energizing, depending on their personal experiences and associations. Experiment with different colors to determine which ones resonate with you the most.

Remember, the color of your sauna attire can make a subtle yet significant impact on your sauna experience. Whether you’re seeking a boost in energy or a moment of calm, choosing the right colors can enhance your sauna session and align it with your desired emotional state.

Adapting Your Sauna Attire for Health Conditions

Special Considerations for Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, it’s essential to choose the right sauna clothing to avoid discomfort and potential skin irritations. Opt for fabrics that are gentle and non-abrasive, such as organic cotton or bamboo. These materials are soft, breathable, and hypoallergenic, making them ideal for individuals with sensitive skin. Avoid fabrics that can cause itching or irritation, such as wool or synthetic materials.

Clothing Modifications for Circulation Issues

For those with circulation problems, modifying your sauna clothing can help improve blood flow and alleviate symptoms. Consider wearing loose-fitting garments that allow for unrestricted movement and blood circulation. Compression socks or sleeves can also be beneficial, as they provide gentle pressure to enhance circulation. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider before making any modifications to your sauna attire to ensure they are suitable for your specific condition.

Footwear in the Sauna: Yes or No?

When it comes to sauna etiquette, the question of whether to wear footwear can stir up some debate among sauna-goers. Let’s explore the pros and cons of wearing shoes in the sauna, discuss the proper footwear options, and uncover the benefits of going barefoot in an infrared sauna.

Wearing shoes in the sauna can offer some advantages. It provides protection for your feet, especially if the sauna floor is slippery or if there are sharp objects. Shoes can also act as a barrier between your feet and any bacteria or dirt that may be present on the sauna floor. However, it’s crucial to choose the right footwear to ensure comfort and safety.

When selecting proper footwear for the sauna, opt for options that are lightweight, breathable, and easy to clean. Sandals or flip-flops made from sauna-friendly materials like rubber or silicone are excellent choices. These materials are resistant to heat and sweat, making them ideal for the sauna environment.

On the other hand, going barefoot in an infrared sauna has its own advantages. The heat from the infrared rays can stimulate blood flow, promote relaxation, and enhance detoxification. Going barefoot allows your feet to directly absorb the heat and experience the therapeutic benefits of the sauna session.

If you choose to go barefoot, it’s important to ensure that the sauna floor is clean and free from any sharp objects. It’s also a good practice to wipe your feet before entering the sauna to prevent any dirt or sweat from being transferred to the floor.

barefoot in infrared sauna

In conclusion, the choice of footwear in the sauna ultimately depends on personal preference. If you decide to wear shoes, opt for sauna-friendly options that offer comfort and protection. Alternatively, going barefoot in an infrared sauna allows your feet to fully experience the benefits of the heat therapy. Whichever option you choose, remember to prioritize cleanliness and safety for a relaxing and enjoyable sauna experience.

What to Wear in Infrared Sauna for Ultimate Comfort

When it comes to your infrared sauna experience, achieving ultimate comfort is key. In this section, we will guide you on what to wear to ensure a relaxing and enjoyable time in the sauna. We will explore the importance of finding the right balance between loose and fitted clothing for optimal heat absorption and circulation. Additionally, we will delve into the topic of sauna etiquette and discuss the importance of modesty in the sauna environment.

Finding the Balance: Loose vs. Fitted Clothing

Choosing the appropriate clothing for your infrared sauna session is essential to enhance your comfort levels. While loose clothing allows for better air circulation and promotes a sense of freedom, fitted attire can provide better heat absorption and maximize the benefits of the infrared heat. It is advisable to consider the temperature and duration of your sauna session when deciding between loose and fitted clothing. For shorter sessions or higher temperatures, fitted clothing can help maximize heat penetration, while longer sessions or lower temperatures may call for looser clothing to allow for better ventilation.

Cover Up or Strip Down: Modesty and Sauna Etiquette

When it comes to sauna etiquette, modesty is an important consideration. It is common practice to wear a towel or a robe in the sauna to maintain a level of modesty while still allowing the skin to breathe. This can also help to prevent excessive sweating and the spread of bacteria. However, it is essential to respect the rules and customs of the specific sauna you are visiting, as different saunas may have varying levels of modesty expectations. Understanding and adhering to the sauna etiquette of the facility you are attending ensures a comfortable and respectful sauna experience for all.

By following these guidelines on what to wear in an infrared sauna, you can ensure optimal comfort, enhanced heat absorption, and a respectful sauna experience. Finding the right balance between loose and fitted clothing will help you maximize the benefits of the infrared heat, while adhering to sauna etiquette and considering modesty will contribute to a pleasant and harmonious environment.

Hygiene and Maintenance of Your Sauna Wardrobe

To fully enjoy the benefits of your sauna experience, it is essential to maintain proper hygiene and cleanliness in your sauna wardrobe. This not only ensures the longevity of your sauna attire but also promotes a pleasant and odor-free sauna environment. In this section, we will provide you with best practices for cleaning your sauna-appropriate clothing and share valuable tips to keep your sauna attire fresh and odor-free.

Best Practices for Cleaning Sauna-Appropriate Clothing

Cleaning your sauna clothing requires special attention to preserve the integrity of the fabrics and maintain their sauna-friendly properties. Follow these best practices to keep your clothing in pristine condition:

  • Always check the care instructions on the clothing label before washing.
  • Use a gentle detergent specifically designed for delicate fabrics.
  • Wash your sauna clothing in cold water to prevent shrinkage and preserve color vibrancy.
  • Avoid using fabric softeners, as they can leave residues that affect the breathability of the fabric.
  • Hang dry your sauna attire or use a low-heat setting on your dryer to prevent damage.

By following these cleaning practices, you can ensure that your sauna clothing remains in top condition and ready for your next sauna session.

Tips for Keeping Your Sauna Attire Fresh and Odor-Free

Keeping your sauna attire fresh and odor-free is essential for a comfortable and enjoyable sauna experience. Here are some helpful tips to achieve this:

  • Allow your sauna clothing to air out after each use to prevent the buildup of moisture and odor.
  • Avoid placing damp sauna clothing in an enclosed space, as this can lead to unpleasant smells.
  • If you notice persistent odors, consider using a mild fabric refresher or odor-eliminating spray specifically formulated for sauna clothing.
  • Regularly inspect your sauna attire for any signs of wear, such as loose stitches or frayed fabric, and address these issues promptly.

Following these tips will help you maintain a fresh and odor-free sauna attire, ensuring a clean and inviting atmosphere for your sauna sessions.


Throughout this article, we have explored the essential guidelines for dressing appropriately in an infrared sauna. We have discussed the importance of choosing the right clothing materials that work best with infrared heat to enhance your sauna experience.

By embracing sauna-friendly fabrics such as cotton, linen, and bamboo, you can enjoy the benefits of infrared heat while maximizing your comfort. It is crucial to avoid wearing unsuitable fabrics like synthetic materials that can trap heat and potentially lead to overheating or discomfort.

Additionally, we have highlighted the risks of wearing accessories and jewelry in the sauna due to the potential for burns or damage. It is advisable to remove these items before entering the sauna to ensure your safety.

In conclusion, when it comes to dressing for an infrared sauna, remember to prioritize comfort, choose sauna-friendly materials, and adhere to sauna etiquette. By following these dressing tips and recommendations, you can optimize your sauna experience and enjoy the many benefits of infrared heat.


Can I wear regular clothes in an infrared sauna?

It is not recommended to wear regular clothes in an infrared sauna. The heat from the sauna can make you sweaty, and the clothes may become uncomfortable and take longer to dry.

What should I wear in an infrared sauna?

It is best to wear loose and lightweight clothing in an infrared sauna. Choose breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen to allow for better airflow and comfort.

Can I wear synthetic fabrics in an infrared sauna?

Synthetic fabrics such as polyester or nylon are not ideal for an infrared sauna. These materials may trap heat and moisture, causing discomfort and interfere with the benefits of the sauna.

Should I wear jewelry or accessories in an infrared sauna?

It is recommended to remove jewelry and accessories before entering an infrared sauna. Metal objects can become hot and cause burns, while accessories may restrict blood flow.

Can I wear shoes in an infrared sauna?

It is generally advised to go barefoot in an infrared sauna for better heat transfer and comfort. However, if you prefer to wear footwear, choose slippers or water-resistant sandals that can be easily cleaned.

What are the best colors to wear in an infrared sauna?

There is no specific color that is best for infrared sauna attire. Wear colors that make you feel comfortable and relaxed. Some people may choose to wear colors associated with calming effects, such as blues or greens.

Are there any special considerations for sensitive skin in the sauna?

Yes, if you have sensitive skin, it is advisable to choose clothing made from soft and hypoallergenic fabrics, such as bamboo or organic cotton. Avoid fabrics that may irritate your skin, such as wool or synthetic materials.

Can I wear tight-fitting clothes in an infrared sauna?

It is generally better to wear loose-fitting clothes in an infrared sauna to allow for better air circulation and heat dissipation. However, if you prefer tighter clothing, make sure it is made of breathable fabric.

How should I clean my sauna-appropriate clothing?

To clean sauna-appropriate clothing, follow the care instructions provided by the garment manufacturer. Generally, it is recommended to wash them in cold water with a mild detergent, without using fabric softener.

How can I keep my sauna attire fresh and odor-free?

To keep your sauna attire fresh and odor-free, make sure to dry them thoroughly after each use. You can hang them in a well-ventilated area or use a fan to speed up the drying process. Additionally, consider using fabric refreshers or natural deodorizers.

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